5 myths about acne
5 myths about acne

5 myths about acne

So you've been searching for the reason why you're still suffering from acne, spots, blackheads and inflamed knots? I'm sure you've tried everything you can to find out what's causing them and get rid of them as soon as you can.

I already wrote about this before and many satisfied Manna users can confirm that there are a host of skin problems caused by some chemical-induced skin irritation. Artificial preservatives, fragrances, colouring agents, foaming agents and thickening agents – you practically have no hope of finding out which one your skin won't tolerate when using store-bought products.

Acne and spots can also be caused by some food allergy or intolerance. Milk and wheat and the most common culprits, yet the great amount of additives, or increased salt and sugar intake are also harmful to faultless, beautiful skin.

However, there are a few misconceptions which can be responsible for making things worse.

  1. Adults don't have spots
Of course they do. According to a rather thorough survey, half of American twenty year olds and even about forty percent of thirty year olds cope with acne - some rarely, others more frequently.

  1. Acne appears because you're not washing your face thoroughly
This isn't necessarily true. As indicated above, there can be multiple causes for spots. Hormonal factors, dieting and stress can impede genetic tendencies. Washing your face properly is important, but you must take care not to use products with chemicals which dissolve the oily protective layer of your skin.

  1. Using makeup causes acne
If you use products of the right quality specifically designed for greasy, acne-afflicted skin and keep your makeup tools clean, your makeup won't clog your pores and won't cause any inflammations.

  1. You can only get rid of spots with acids and alcohol-based cosmetics
There are a whole host of cosmetic products for greasy, oily skin which contain alcohol, yet these are all terribly nasty chemicals which instead of helping your skin's protective layer, make it vulnerable to dehydration and infections.

  1. Toothpaste on spots? Don't do it!
Instead of using products containing alcohol and acids, directly apply tea tree oil essential oil on your spots. Toothpaste was developed for oral care, so it's not the best choice for acne.

You can fight off these unpleasant skin faults with natural, chemical-free cosmetics. Mannas developed for oily, acne-afflicted or combined skin are free from artificial ingredients and palm oil.

Which will be your favourite? Take a risk-free trial now and get to know our latest pitch black Manna soap, the Active facial cleansing soap with camphor!

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