7 things which can cause hair loss
7 things which can cause hair loss

7 things which can cause hair loss

Although the period of spring fatigue and hair loss is long gone, do you still keep wondering why you're losing hair? These factors can be responsible for the phenomenon:

Vitamin or trace element deficiency

This is the catchphrase used to describe the cause that your body is lacking iron, zinc, selenium, Vitamin B or some other vitally important ingredient necessary for hair growth. Drastic changes to your diet or poorly planned diets, serious anaemia or absorption problems can also cause hair loss. If you suspect a simple lack of vitamins, adopt a more diverse diet and eat more leafy green vegetables. Choose a handful of seeds as a snack and see for yourself how quickly your hair will be restored.

Hormonal changes

A lot of people are surprised by the thinning of their beautiful hair after pregnancy, which is often truly due to a significant loss of hair strands. Don't worry, this is entirely normal, but if you feel like you're also dealing with a lack of vitamins, pay closer attention to your diet.
You might experience hormonal causes of hair loss in other stages of life, for example, due to thyroid disorders, so it's worth consulting with a physician if you feel this is the cause of your symptoms. If you're using hormonal contraception or just stopped using one, this can also lead to increased hair loss.


Only a few people consider this possibility, yet it's true that a bad tooth or some inflammation in the body can also be manifested as a significant loss of hair. You should definitely get this checked out, so visit your dentist first!

Tearing at your hair, too tight braids or buns

This isn't good for hair follicles, since the constant or frequent pulling can easily lead to hair loss in the affected areas.


This is probably the most frequently mentioned cause, which we tie to hair loss day after day. Don't underestimate its importance since constant pressure can indeed lead to hair loss, especially if it's coupled with little sleep and an unhealthy diet.

Certain medication

Hair loss can also appear as a side effect of some medication, so it's worth carefully studying the papers of your recently prescribed medication.

Hereditary factors

This is a rare factor, yet unfortunately it can also affect women. If this has surfaced in your family before, perhaps you also require medical attention to effectively mitigate the symptoms.

You can read more about this in a previous post I wrote on the natural methods that can come to your aid, including following a proper diet and improving the blood supply of your scalp.

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