Protect your hair’s beauty
protect your hair’s beauty

Protect your hair’s beauty

Resilient, radiant and healthy hair requires care and attention – but not too much, if you are lucky. I have rounded up for you the 5 mistakes that you want to avoid at any cost – especially if you have sensitive hair that needs a lot of care.

Hot air and hair waver

It’s quite likely you have already heard that hot air and iron tend to make hair strands dry and hair ends split. Whenever possible, let your hair dry slowly at room temperature – or set your hair drier to medium heat. Avoid daily hair wash, hot air drying as well as styling with hair waver or hair straightener.

Products with harsh chemicals

Some of them contain substances that may irritate both your skin and your eyes, harm your health if inhaled and even damage your hair. Replacing your shampoo(s) with hair wash soap is a good start but beware that most styling mousses and hair sprays contain alcohol. If you use any of that stuff make sure you repair the damage they do to your hair – with a weekly nourishing hair mask. You can use Manna beauty oils for split-end treatment daily. As for natural hair mask, I recommend pure coconut oil.


The sun’s harmful radiation can also damage your hair and even leave your scalp sunburned – the latter is especially bad as there’s no proven treatment for sunburned scalp.

Tied up tight

If you tie your hair up too tight every day, the constant ‘pull’ can cost you precious strands of hair: in short, it causes hair loss. Give your hair some rest, let your scalp breathe and alternate between different hair styles.

Vitamin deficiency

Folic acid, Omega 3 and vitamin B; iron, zinc and selenium are perhaps the most important ones. If you find that your hair is in really bad shape, make sure you eat more legumes, drupes (stone fruits) and healthy grain.

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