Zero Waste: Produce less waste!
zero waste: produce less waste!

Zero Waste: Produce less waste!

What can I do on my own to cut down on pollution on the planet? - ask many of you with uncertainty. However, the answer is simple: you can do a lot. All you need to do is pay a little attention. Let me share the action plan!

Did you know that an average citizen of a developed country produces 400-500 kilograms of communal waste a year? That's a shocking, practically incomprehensible amount. This is particularly true as only a portion of this is recycled, while the rest is deposited in nature and stays there without decomposing.

You can introduce the following lifestyle changes and you'll see that once you make up your mind, it will become automatic and you'll never return to your previous, environmentally harmful habits. I firmly believe that this count - yes, even the decision of a single person.

1. Water purification device instead of bottled water

It makes me sad whenever I see discarded plastic bottles, since I think about many millions of years it will take for them to decompose. I have some bad news: according to scientists, plastic bottles will never decompose, not even after millions of years. That's shocking, as the use of plastic bottles has become so widespread in recent years that it's even starting to alarm the manufacturers. Why is this so? People have suddenly lost their trust in tap water, which has led the majority of families to drinking bottled water and the massive amount of plastic used for this puts a huge burden on the planet.

Nevertheless, tap water is still suitable for consumption - at least in the parts of the world where we live. Naturally, the piping system should be regularly maintained, yet one thing's for sure: you're not forced to burden your budget or the environment by purchasing bottled water for health reasons. If you're afraid that you'll consume heavy metals due to the outdated piping system, I recommend using either a jug or tap-based water filtration system.

2. Washable cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers

It's surprising how few people know that disposable diapers are bad for the environment! Still, the average toddler uses a total of 4000 diapers, which results in 500-800 kilograms of waste. I know that disposable diapers are a practical solution, but trust me, if you buy an ample supply of washable cloth diapers, it can lead to a multitude of savings. First of all, you can save time, since you don't have to rush to the store to buy diapers, plus you can save money, as you can get through the diaper-period at about half the normal cost, not to mention the fact that you'll produce less waste, which is important if you consider garbage delivery fees.

However, washable diapers have to be used the right way. If you wash them at a high temperature, use a clothes drier and even iron them, you won't cut down on your carbon emissions. You might as well just stick with disposable diapers. In order to make the use of washable diapers is truly environmentally-friendly, use a washing machine with an "A" energy efficiency rating, which should only be used when full, running programs at temperatures lower than 60 degrees Celsius. I suggest storing the diapers dry before washing in a container with a lid, while adding a few drops of essential oil.

3. Fresh instead of frozen

I suggest avoiding frozen goods whenever possible. I know that you're saving money by buying frozen foodstuffs, but let's be honest: how often have they gone bad before you could use them or you simply threw them out because there was no room left in the freezer? Believe me, a little planning can help avoid amassing large amounts of foodstuffs and you can enjoy the taste of delicious fresh vegetables and fruit bought at the market. Not only do they have higher vitamin content, you can even do your shopping with a wicker basket for a zero waste solution! That's a win-win situation for you and the environment!

4. Fabric bags instead of plastic bags

Do you remember the time when plastic shopping bags were actually considered trendy? This period, however, has come to an end which is great, as it can take up to 400 years for an average plastic bag to decompose. Instead try using fabric bags, wicker baskets or collapsible canvas bags which you can carry in your bag, ready to use. For me, environmentally-conscious shopping starts before I leave the house when I make a shopping list to avoid any unnecessary purchases and I take appropriately-sized canvas bags with me when I visit the shops.

5. Vegan, homemade milk replacements instead of milk

Milk cartons are one of the worst form of waste, not only because they have to be flattened and they leak milk, but also because are entirely unnecessary and environmentally harmful. Just think about it: even if the box is made of paper, the cap is plastic, not to mention the paint and the inner aluminum coating. Instead of drinking cow's milk which has been processed in every imaginable way, it's healthier and more environmentally friendly to make some plant-based "milk" at home. All you need is a blender and some water. When making "grain milk", the nuts should be soaked for a few hours to make the enzymes in them easier to digest. Once you pour off the water they were soaked in and rinsed the rice, almond, spelt wheat or poppy seeds, you can place them in the blender. Add water and blend for 1-2 minutes which will result in pure, white liquid.


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