Manna solutions for teen skin problems
manna solutions for teen skin problems

Manna solutions for teen skin problems

When I was a teenager, we didn't hear about a lot of natural materials which are now part of our day-to-day lives and which can successfully remedy the unpleasant symptoms of the changes to our skin. The current teenagers are very lucky since the science of skincare has made great progress and there are a wide range of natural cosmetics at our disposal which can mitigate the unpleasant coming of age skin conditions.

The top 3+1 enemies

  1. Acne, spots, blackheads
Puberty goes hand in hand with hormonal changes. The levels of some hormones rise, which the skin reacts to. Acne, spots and blackheads generally appear on the face, making everyday life miserable, yet can also appear in other parts of the body, for example, on the upper chest area.

Manna tip: Wash your face twice a day with the Manna facial cleansing soap with camphor or Active charcoal facial cleansing soap, morning and evening. If you feel it's necessary, you can follow this up by applying some Manna Argan oil or Organic shea butter on your skin. I recommend using tea tree oil as a targeted treatment which you can apply directly on spots.
  1. Facial skin sheen
Due to hormonal changes, your facial skin can become greasier which can produce a sheen on your forehead, chin and the skin along your nose coupled with loose pores – even minutes after washing your face. In order to have pure, matt skin with a healthy tone, you should apply a mask appropriate to your skin once or twice a week.

Manna tip: Our Manna masks can be a great help, since they're made of cosmetic grade materials and are entirely free of chemicals.
  1. Excess sweating
It's normal to experience excess sweating on the palms, feet, armpits and scalp in adolescence. This unpleasant phenomenon can often appear on the whole surface of the body. It can be caused by stress, anxiety, the hyperfunction of the sympathetic nervous system as well as hormonal changes.

Manna tip: Try relaxing whenever possible. Avoid spicy and hot dishes, caffeine-based beverages and smoking, since these can increase sweating. Use natural cream deodorants - there are four different types of Manna cream deos. Use our skin-scrubbing, unscented Coco salt soap when showering.
  1. Stretch marks
Yes, unfortunately the appearance of stretch marks is not only a nightmare of young mothers, but teenagers as well. Our skin is often unable to keep up with rapid weight gain and growth, which leads to tiny cracks appearing on its surface. In the case of boys, this usually appears on their backs, thighs and scalp and on the breasts, buttocks and thighs in the case of girls.

Manna tip: It's important to keep your skin flexible. In order to do that, you need to find the right skincare products which suit your needs. Use them in the affected areas or anywhere else where you feel the skin is tight or itchy after bathing or showering. Instead of using body lotion, I recommend you try using chemical and palm oil free Mannas, organic shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter and whipped body butters in the winter.

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