Summer’s over – but don’t give in to gloom!

Summer’s over – but don’t give in to gloom!
Here they come again: grey days, foggy, muggy and murky mornings, sludge, mud and the days to be spent stuck indoors... If you can feel those thoughts creep up on you already and you find little solace in autumn fruits and fading sunshine, use these tricks to lift your spirits.
These have worked best for me whenever I felt that a busy September or a grey February was taking a toll on my mood.
Go for the treats
A nice warm bath can work wonders. Even if you don’t like stretching out in the bathtub, it’s still worth trying natural body care head to toe. Genuine, natural and pure vegetable oils will make your skin silky, whilst natural scents are much softer and tenderer than the artificial perfumes sold by shops. Mankind has used essential oils for millennia for refreshment (essential oils pressed from citrus fruits), to relax (that’s how cinnamon and lavender essential oils have earned their reputation), or simply to get into a good mood with the help of the fruity, woody or floral scents.
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