Why Manna is the best choice
why manna is the best choice

Why Manna is the best choice

Have you noticed that manufacturers are trying to sell more and more cosmetics with the labels ‘organic’, ‘natural’ or ‘contains argan oil/sweet almond oil’?

Here are some of the most important arguments for choosing certified, genuinely natural cosmetics that are free of chemicals and additives.

  1. Every cosmetic product carries a list of ingredients on its packaging. That list will tell you how much chemicals and artificial substances was put into that skin care product - usually much more than advertised. So why wouldn’t you choose the real thing - i.e. the 100% pure oil itself - instead of a chemical-based cream that contains only a few drops of the same natural oil?
  1. Genuinely natural, chemical-free cosmetics are the best choice for those who are suffering from some kind of skin problem or those who simply have sensitive skin. The shorter the list of ingredients the smaller the risk of irritation or allergic reactions. That’s our philosophy and that’s why Manna cosmetics contain no artificial scents, colours or preservatives - and it also explains why we also offer products made of a single ingredient.
  1. More and more cosmetics brands are advertising their products as ‘natural’ or ‘organic’. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case and it’s worth noting that many people don’t really know the true meaning of those fancy terms. Which makes it all the more useful to check the certificates of a given cosmetic product or brand. A COSMOS certificate is always a guarantee that the product is free of parabens, genetically modified ingredients and petrochemicals. If you can also see a certificate that proves that the product is free of palm oil (whose production plays a major role in deforestation in the tropics), free of animal testing and made of vegan ingredients you can be sure that you are making the right choice.
  1. Does it matter to you that the product you put on you skin is made with purely natural and environmentally friendly methods? Then it’s important to know that the purity of some ingredients can only be established with thorough testing in a laboratory environment. We are proud to announce that we already have those necessary lab appliances! I can also tell you that every ingredient used in Manna products has to pass a quality test our lab. No hydrogenated oil, hot-pressed olive oil or substandard clay will ever slip through that check.
  1. Another argument for natural cosmetics is that they are full of pure, vegetable oils as well as natural vitamins, trace elements and minerals. So you can be sure that you won’t be harming your body with chemicals either by putting them on your skin or by inhaling one of the harmful ingredients. Scented Manna products are made with essential oil whereas scent-free Manna products have a natural, very mild and fleeting scent. Notable exceptions are, of course, cocoa butter and coconut oil - but I can’t remember anyone complaining about the heavenly scents of those natural products.

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