3 tricks to make sure 2017 will truly be a new year
3 tricks to make sure 2017 will truly be a new year

3 tricks to make sure 2017 will truly be a new year

If you feel like you're ready for a change, yet never managed to stick to your new year's resolutions, then today's post is for you.

Resolutions are important and in the first few days of the year, it's not so hard to stick to your decisions and do what you had in mind. I wrote up a few tried and tested tips for this.

However, continuing the process is always harder, especially when you're faced with unforeseen events. The previously discarded reasons and excuses start popping up, such as "I don't have time for this" and sometimes you even forget what you decided to do that day. Still, these can be prevented.

  1. Establish new priorities!
If your decision is truly rock-solid about doing something differently than last year, then you should think long and hard about which of your obligations are more important and which only come after your resolution. This isn't always easy, but keep in mind that in order to achieve your goals, you have to make your new habits fit your life and daily schedule. This way, it won't be impossible to devote time and energy to them.

  1. Use your phone!
There is a wealth of applications which can help you accomplish your decisions. There are dozens of work out programs, fitness apps and even applications which help you set and manage a schedule, some of them for free. Did you decide not to forget calling up granny at least once a week this year? Set up a reminder and do it! Would you like to go to the gym or for a run in the evening? Want to live a healthier life? Choose an application that helps you get motivated again and again, just like a friend would. Naturally, it's even better to start realizing your new life goals with someone else.

  1. Most importantly: be patient with yourself!
Don't expect any immediate results or changes and go easy on yourself if you make a mistake or fall into temptation and don't manage to fulfil your goal for the day or week in question. The most important thing is not to give up and know that it's always hard to get started - especially if you want to live a more conscious life and develop new habits for yourself or the whole family.

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