7 things you should never do to your hair
7 things you should never do to your hair

7 things you should never do to your hair

Craving long, healthy hair, yet annoyed how quickly your hair gets greasy and frayed? With a few barely noticeable changes and kicking a few bad habits you can do a lot to boost the beauty and health of your hair.

  1. Don't fuss with your hair tips
If you keep fingering your hair, you'll only end up with more split ends. Instead, try frequently grooming them with Manna beauty oil and use a chemical-free way of washing your hair with our natural Healthy Locks shampoo.

  1. Don't twist your hair
If you feel awkward, bored or stressed, try doing something else with your hands than twisting or pestering your hair. It won't help your hairdo and it's a bad habit which can really damage the hair strands.

  1. Don't let your hair grow for too long
It's a good idea to get a haircut every two months, even if you want longer hair. Why? To protect your hair strands and avoid split ends.

  1. Don't wear tight plait or bun every day
It can give your scalp a breath of fresh air and help your follicles if you don't always tie your hair up too tight. You should definitely untie your hair for the night.

  1. Don't comb your hair for too long or when wet
This can also resulted in frayed ends.

  1. Don't use hair spray and curling tongs at the same time
Hair-shaping products contain alcohol which can damage hair strands when combined with high temperatures.

  1. Don't wash your hair every day
It's not good for your hair or your scalp, not even if your hair gets greasy fast. You can read more on this in my previous post about how to adjust your scalp to washing your hair less frequently.

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