April weather can be misleading, take care of your skin!
april weather can be misleading, take care of your skin!

April weather can be misleading, take care of your skin!

It's good to know that even these early, seemingly innocent sunrays aren't entirely harmless; you can severely damage your skin if you don't provide for the proper form of protection.

I've no doubt that it feels great to feel the warm caress of sunrays on your skin after the long and usually cold winter, but even the first gentle rays of sunlight can damage the structure of your skin, its ability to retain moisture and hasten the body's ageing process. Pigment spots, wrinkles and skin losing its flexibility and becoming unusually worn out – these are just some of the mildest problems caused by the damaging rays of sunlight.

Keep in mind that in itself, shade doesn't provide full protection, since 40% of harmful sunrays can still reach your skin, so ensure to protect yourself with a cap, hat, glasses and an appropriate selection of clothes if you plan on spending a prolonged period outdoors. Still, the most important thing is to provide for the protection of your exposed skin surfaces, including your face, neck and the back of your hands and feet.

I can't stress it enough that it's of crucial importance for you to find the right sunscreen to apply on your skin again and again as often as necessary, including your face and the back of your hands:

I recommend choosing sunscreen with physical blockers. If you go outdoors to do sports, relax at the lakeside or go hiking, you can use sunscreen recommended specifically for children to apply on the areas below your neckline, since although these might be thicker and often leave a white mark on your skin, my experience shows that they have a better composition than sunscreens made only for adults.

Currently, zinc oxide seems to be the best sunscreen substance. This mineral ingredient reflects both UV-A and UV-B rays without damaging your skin. Instead of squeeze cap and spray-based solutions, choose creams which you can evenly disperse on your skin surface so you won't leave any areas unprotected.

I can recommend some Mannas to use after sunbathing or a sweaty time spent outdoors: our real, organic cocoa butter which turns soft in the warm weather as well as our organic or premium quality Ghana shea butter (the latter contains no essential oils) provide tender and natural care for your skin from head to toe.

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