Are you ready for spring?
are you ready for spring?

Are you ready for spring?

You can soon feel spring coming on your skin: after the thick, winter oils and butters it only needs a lighter coat of cosmetics.

Spring seems to be slowly creeping in: the first snowdrops are popping up and every day the sun feels warmer when I walk out on the street. I long for lush, green spring colours, birds chirping in the trees and vibrant flowers. As I visit my favourite shop, I keep seeking out green, fresh foodstuffs and colours. Do you have similar experiences every year towards the end of the winter?

I'm sure you already heard that just as you renew your wardrobe, every season you should review your skincare routines as well. You'll be spending more time outdoors in the warm weather and that's why it's important that you find the best possible, natural sunscreen which you can put on every day, even under makeup.

If you've considered banishing chemicals from your bathroom, then now's the time - we have nearly a hundred different Mannas on offer!

It's worth checking your shelves to make sure you've got everything you need for spring, even if you've been using Manna products for a while!

First of all, make sure you have a gentle scrub to thoroughly massage your skin. Since our Manna scrubs contain nourishing oils, you don't have to worry about the body lotion.

Most of us have more oily skin in warmer weather. The first signs of this can be witnessed in the sheen appearing along your T-line running from your forehead to your chin. If you feel like your skin needs more thorough cleansing than what your regular soap has to offer, I recommend our gently scrubbing COCO Salt or COCO Shea butter soaps for your facial cleansing needs.

Instead of using your regular masks, our cosmetic-grade clay skin regeneration masks nurture and pamper your facial skin.

For the night, you can stick to your heavier, thicker butters and oils for the time being which are more slowly absorbed by the skin, but for daytime use, I recommend you try our Manna Argan Beauty Oil or Sweet Almond Oil.

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