Are you suffering from spots and acne?
are you suffering from spots and acne?

Are you suffering from spots and acne?

Clean and healthy skin is not just a matter of good cosmetics and auspicious genes. It’s also a matter of what and how you eat.

Although our sensitivity as individuals could vary a great deal, it’s worth seeing how your body reacts if you leave the following foods out of your diet for a few weeks. If you decide to go ahead, I recommend avoiding just one particular group of foods in each 2-3 week period. That’s enough time to make a difference.

Also, try to change the unhealthy routine of rushed breakfasts and big feasts – instead, try to find the time for regular, relaxed meals. That will also help your digestion and make it easier to choose healthy food and a serving size that’s best for your body.

Now, let’s see what foods may give you skin problems:

1. Cow’s milk

Cow’s milk has been associated with a range of different skin problems. People with eczema could be the most familiar with the warning: cow’s milk may trigger the symptoms in those who are sensitive to it. If you suffer from spots and/or acne – cow’s milk as well as foods containing dairy or lactose could well be the cause or an aggravating factor of your skin condition.

Nowadays, our choices are almost endless when it comes to drinks made of grain or coconut – and fortified with vitamins we normally gain from milk. They will allow you to leave milk out of your diet altogether. Avoiding dairy products is a bit more difficult – but if your skin condition really annoys you it’s definitely worth trying.

2. Sugar

One of the most important discoveries of the past few years was the fact that unchecked sugar consumption is much more damaging to our health than fat (public enemy Nr. 1. in the old days). Excessive sugar levels can trigger inflammation in the body and in the skin – and skin conditions are the most visible symptoms. Eating less sugar, avoiding high-sugar food and cutting down on fruit juice consumption may relieve your skin and your entire body.

3. Processed foods and food high in preservatives, colours, sugar and other additives

Many skin conditions can be traced back to the regular and/or excessive consumption of such foods. Avoiding bakery products, pasta and biscuits made of plain flour; packaged cakes and fast food as well as processed meat and sweets is not easy to do – but it’s certainly easier during the summer. Look at that list and consider how much you eat of those – and you may find the root cause of your skin condition.

Mind that there are great alternatives like fruit and veggies (rich in antioxidants) as well as foods made without additives and in a controlled environment. Also, make sure you drink enough liquid every day – and you will see your skin become healthy again.

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