Help, I need a natural solution for cellulite!
help, i need a natural solution for cellulite!

Help, I need a natural solution for cellulite!

I've noticed a few years ago that as soon as we enter the first sunny spring days, I start receiving concerned letters asking how to get rid of cellulite, typically appearing on the upper thighs, and so-called stretch marks.

The bad news is that these can't be entirely eliminated. However, the good news is that there's no need to worry or feel ashamed about them since almost all women and most men have them on some part of their body.

Perhaps it would be better not to think of them as problems, but rather as natural, yet annoying connective tissue discrepancies. Many people inherent the tendency for such features and thus their skin is more inflexible and they are, therefore, more prone to developing bumpy parts on the back of their thighs or buttocks – regardless of age or body weight.

What can you still do about these initially red and, later on, pale white marks and cellulite?

A healthy lifestyle is the key to having spectacular results as well as prevention: a lot of exercise, sufficient supply of liquids, and removing refined flour and sugar from your diet can do a lot, as well as regularly sweating in a sauna.

Furthermore, it's important to provide for the appropriate care of these parts of your body. Dry, dehydrated skin makes these marks look a lot worse and, unfortunately, you also have a greater chance of attracting additional blemishes.

That's precisely why I recommend thoroughly applying scrubs in these parts of your body. If your skin reacts well to cinnamon essential oil, you should definitely try our Manna Luffa Body Scrub which charges your senses with sea salt and the divine scents of lemon and cinnamon essential oils, while the sweet almond oil nourishes your thoroughly massaged skin. The best is to cleanse your moist skin after showering with a 100% pure, chemical and palm oil-free Manna soap or shower gel.

If your skin is too sensitive for the cinnamon essential oil, you can also use our Manna Body Scrub with Grape Powder, which pampers your skin with sugar, lime and geranium essential oils as well as sweet, fruity-smelling grape seed oil.

If you prefer natural solutions or you're pregnant, you can stick to using a luffa sponge and dry brush massaging the skin, just ensure that you only scrub healthy, non-damaged and non-inflamed skin and if opting for this latter solution, make sure you wash the surface with soap and apply some of your favourite Manna beauty oil or butter on the moist surface of the skin.

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