How long could you go without palm oil?
how long could you go without palm oil?

How long could you go without palm oil?

I hope you know by now that none of our Mannas contain palm oil. Why is this so important for us? We decided to avoid using palm oil because we are aware that insatiable deforesting leads to the destruction of many animal and plant species and natural rainforests are disappearing at a previously unimaginable scale. Due to human greed, year after year palm oil plantations are taking over more and more space, bringing orangutans in Indonesia to the brink of extinction.

How can we put an end to this immeasurable destruction? A few major palm oil consumers have promised to procure the palm oil for their products from renewable, ethical sources. However, these farmers barely represent 17 percent of the entire trade, which is not enough to provide for the entirety of the food and cosmetics industries.

What contains palm oil?

Practically all forms of processed food can contain palm oil as a cheap substitute for butter, cocoa butter or other plant-based oils. It might sound surprising, but even your plain soap, shampoo and cream might contain palm oil derivatives. According to some American estimates, half of the goods sold at supermarkets possibly contain palm oil.

Avoid palm oil if you can!

Unfortunately, it's easier said than done. You know precisely what I mean if you're suffering from food allergies or intolerance. I'm forced to examine the label of every product I purchase to make sure I don't give another penny to the irresponsible and boundless destruction of nature. I have to be careful whenever I buy processed goods, especially crackers, chocolate or snacks. I was shocked when I realized how many things contain palm oil, even though in many cases its presence isn't justified at all - they simply include it because it's cheap and has no taste.

Stay with me and see for yourself how many days you can keep your kitchen and your life free from palm oil!

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