Make some spring lemonade using herbs!
make some spring lemonade using herbs!

Make some spring lemonade using herbs!

It feels great to sip some delicious lemonade in the sunny spring weather, but how about using some herbs instead of your traditional recipe for a lovely chilled beverage?

Spring is here and apart from the herbal teas regularly made in this period, I love drinking herbal lemonade. It's the perfect way to quench your thirst and the taste of the herbs can really spice up the flavour of a traditional lemonade. Not to mention that they're simply beautiful and can contribute to a truly festive atmosphere!

Let me show you the best recipes:

Thyme lemonade


For the syrup:
1 small cup of honey / or your sweetener of choice
1 cup of water
6 springs of thyme
Use 1.5 cups of lemon juice and 5 cups of water for the lemonade.

How to prepare: Heat the water in a pot on medium heat and carefully blend in the honey. Once the honey has melted, add the thyme. Cook for 1 minute, cover and remove from heat and let rest for 10 minutes before removing the thyme and pouring the syrup into a large jug. Squeeze the lemon juice into the jug and add the water. You can also add ice cubes, lemon slices or a sprig of thyme!

Peppermint lemonade


500 ml of water
4 tablespoons of honey
2 filters of peppermint tea
The juice of 2 limes
A handful of fresh peppermint / or 30 ml of peppermint syrup
750 ml of mineral water
4 lime slice

How to prepare: Heat the water, carefully blend in the honey and boil for 1 minute. Douse the tea with the mixture and let set for a few minutes. In the meantime, add the lime juice and the peppermint leaves crushed in a mortar, mix and add to the chilled tea. Pour the lemonade into glasses and add mineral water. Finally, decorate the lemonade with lime slices.

Basil lemonade


3-4 sprigs of fresh basil
1 cup of honey
1.8 litres of carbonated water
4 lemons
How to prepare:
Boil 300 ml of water and 1 cup of honey, and blend the resulting syrup with the lemon juice and a few sprigs of fresh basil. Add the carbonated water, garnish with lemons and add a leaf of basil to the jug.

Lavender lemonade

I left my favourite for last: this beautiful purple drink, reminiscent of fields of lavender, has a taste that is sure to captivate both body and soul. It also helps you unwind and it's the perfect welcome drink when you have guests over!

1 cup of honey
8 cups of water
6 lemons
2 tablespoons of dried lavender flowers

How to prepare: Boil the water, then add the dried lavender and honey. Mix and let sit for 20 minutes Strain the mixture and pour into a larger container. Add the lemon juice and the rest of the water, then chill the lemonade. You can decorate it with a sprig of lavender or even lavender petals frozen in ice cubes.

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