5 deterring facts that you surely dont know about palm oil

5 deterring facts that you surely dont know about palm oil
It's a substance produced at the detriment to nature which causes a great deal of suffering.
Did you know that every day you're surrounded by palm oil through foodstuffs, cosmetics, and a great deal of other products? It's a substance produced at the detriment to nature which causes a great deal of suffering. Read more about these five shocking facts which will surely stop you from buying any more products containing palm oil.
It's flooded the world
There's a great demand for palm oil in the industry, as it's cheap and it has a rather lucrative nature. Moreover, it's heat stable, long-lasting and pliable at room temperature, therefore they prefer using it instead of hydrogenated fats, and it's a particularly common additive in ready-to-eat foods or sandwich creams. Due to this traits, palm oil is the most widely produced vegetable oil in the world.One hectare of oil palms yields an average of 3.7 tons of oil, therefore 14 million hectares are needed to supply the demand of the entire planet. However, these fields can't be farmed for long, as their supply of nutrients becomes quickly exhausted, which means that new forests have to be cleared every year, thus decreasing and partitioning forests which are home to the richest wildlife in the world. If you stop to consider all of this, you can see for yourself that by purchasing products containing palm oil, you're contributing to the destruction of wildlife, therefore try avoiding palm oil whenever possible.
Palm oil can be harmful to your health
In May 2016, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a report according to which certain carcinogenic materials are created during the production of some processed vegetable oils. Research shows that palm oil heated over 200 degrees Celsius is carcinogenic, i.e. it contains carcinogenic substances and its consumption can be harmful to the health.When visiting the supermarket, it's good to keep in mind the products that can contain palm oil: peanut butter, crackers, margarine, desserts, snacks, chocolates and even baby formula. It might come as a surprise that palm oil is also used to produce various shower gels, shampoos, creams, body lotions and cosmetic goods, yet the majority of natural cosmetic products also contain palm oil. The good news, however, is that none of our Mannas contain this raw ingredient!
Always pay attention to the ingredients and the things that end up in your cart It might take a bit more time to do your shopping at first, but you'll get used to it later on! The choice is yours, but keep in mind that we can't survive without the rain forests, the lungs of Planet Earth, as the process of global warming is underway and without jungles, the greatest cleansing and purging features on Earth, we don't stand a chance.
Palm oil is disguised in products
Did you know that palm oil has numerous"aliases"? Over 200 names are used for palm oil-based ingredients.It contributes to global warming
Naturally, the torching of forests not only endangers the lives of orangutans, as this destruction also has tragic consequences for humanity as a whole. Since the destruction of forests releases a great deal of carbon, the lives of human beings as well as orangutans are at stake, as the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere in this manner is the main cause of global warming. What's more, the destruction of the rain forests gradually decreases the size of the "lungs" of Planet Earth.6-12 orangutans die every day
The statistics on the mortality rate of orangutans are shocking. These animals have lost 90 percent of their habitat over the past twenty years and according to some research, 6-12 specimens die every day. Just think of it - the genetic makeup of orangutans is 97 percent identical to that of humans, therefore they're our closes relative. Orangutan means 'man of the forest' in the Indonesian language.
In 2015, I had an amazing experience when I met Jane Goodall, one of the most widely recognized primatologists in the world. It was a true inspiration, as Jane devoted her entire life to the research of chimpanzees and environmental conservation. To this very day, I can muster strength from this meeting, since it confirmed to me that a single person can make great changes if they're willing to make the effort. I am particularly proud that we were helping the Jane Goodall Institute with our palm oil awareness campaign and limited-edition orangutan Mannas.
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