We are exhausting our planet’s resources
we are exhausting our planet’s resources

We are exhausting our planet’s resources

Do summers feel hotter and hotter to you? Are you concerned about some new climate phenomena (enduring droughts, sudden rainstorms, floods, etc.) we are facing? All that is down to the fact that we are exhausting our planet’s resources at an ever quicker rate. The emission of carbon-dioxide (one of the gasses that cause the greenhouse effect) is growing especially fast.

Since 2000, we have cut the period necessary to exhaust Earth’s renewable resources by 60 days annually. During the rest of the year we are eating into the precious reserves. If we go on like this, humanity will soon run out of food and water and face irreversible changes as well as a mass extinction of plants and animals. Years and years of ignorance and inertia are set to cause famine and water shortages.

What can you do about it?

It’s up to you how much energy and resources you use every day – how you travel, what you eat, as well as the amount of energy you end up wasting.
  • Avoid wasting energy and gas – pull the plug on unused battery chargers, shut down your computer when you’re not using it, and don’t run air-conditioning and heating on full whack

  • You really don’t need more than 4 minutes under the shower – linger longer than that and you will harm your skin too

  • Join us and stay away from meat and other animal-based food at least once a week

  • Ditch bottled sugary drinks and mineral water and drink tap water instead – producing 1 litre of mineral water takes 3 litres of freshwater

  • Switch to natural detergents and cosmetics made of certified ingredients – you will do a huge favour not only to your own health but to Earth too.

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