Revealed: the secret truth about the beauty industry (part 11)

Instead of aluminium salts, use natural deodorants!

Sweating is natural and healthy but no one likes sweat-stained, smelly shirts and the odour that comes with it – so we are religiously using deodorants and antiperspirants.
The difference between the two is that deodorants neutralise the bacteria that cause the odour while antiperspirants prevent sweating itself.
You can now buy products which last for 24-48-72 hours. Just think about it: how much chemicals is needed to suppress the entirely natural response of sweating for so long?

Deodorants and antiperspirants contain a number of dangerous substances too.
For example: parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, sodium lauryl sulphate, synthetic scents, and last but not least surfactants: aluminium-derivatives such as:
Most people use antiperspirants and deodorants in order to suppress unpleasant odours and reduce sweating.
Sweat production in our body never stops but sometimes it gets more intensive. Its function is to cool our body when we are warm (e.g. in stress or in a critical, high-stake situation our body produces more sweat) and it also helps the body to get rid of toxins.

Locked in by antiperspirants, toxins can’t leave the body. They get stuck inside and start to build up.
Rubbing aluminium-laden antiperspirants into our armpits can lead to Alzheimer’s disease or breast cancer (even in men). Aluminium is genotoxic: it damages DNA and may cause mutations such as cancer.
In 1993 the World Health Organisation (WHO) confirmed that there was a connection between the accumulation of aluminium in the body and Alzheimer’s disease. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry stated that in higher concentrations aluminium could cause respiratory problems.
Aluminium also prevents the absorption of calcium, causing osteoporosis.

How antiperspirants work
After entering the cells, aluminium ions start to swell and clog the cells, ‘blocking the exit’ and preventing sweat from getting out onto the surface of the skin. This mechanism only works for a while – depending on how strongly you sweat – as the effect of aluminium ions gets weaker over time.
That’s why we need to use antiperspirants several times a day and that’s what drives manufacturers to develop long-lasting antiperspirants.
When you decide to ditch aluminium-laden deodorants and antiperspirants, be prepared for your body’s response. With its pores no longer blocked, it will start an intense detoxification.
In short: you might need to wash/take a shower several times a day. But the good news is that this transition period will soon end. So don’t give up!

What else can contain aluminium?

There is a natural alternative
Manna’s 100% natural deodorant creams will solve your problem. Corn starch soaks up and neutralises sweat while coconut oil nourishes the thin skin in your armpit. You can also choose from deodorant creams enriched with shea butter and 100% pure essential oils.
If you are looking for a scent-free, natural deodorant because
then the Scent-free Deodorant Cream will be perfect for You. It contains rich beeswax and vitamin E.

It’s best to throw away all cosmetics which contain synthetic colours, scents and other chemicals. Take control over your skin’s health now!

Have a wonderful an chemical-free day,
Andrea Varga-Darabos

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