Revealed: the secret truth about the beauty industry (part 6)

Ureas in disguise

(DMDM Hydantoin, Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate and the likes)
This is the second-most common group of preservatives used in cosmetics after parabens. They fall short of blocking microorganisms completely so they are often combined with other preservatives. That combination enhances the amount of toxic materials used in a single product.

They are directly associated with a range of different skin irritations.
They are often called ‘formaldehyde-donors’ because they release formaldehyde which used to be a common ingredient in nail polishes.

Thanks to the pressure by civil organisations, ureas are less and less widespread – in Canada, for example, they are banned outright. In Europe however, 5% of nail polishes, 0.1% of oral care products and 0.2% of other cosmetic products still contain them.

In November 2014, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety issued a statement (ref. 1538/14) in which they established the safety limit of urea at 2.2% in nail care products. They also warned that even products with a maximum of 2.2% urea content should only be used in rooms with adequate ventilation – as the formaldehyde gas released from the product can easily reach the maximum indoors concentration set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

But research has shown that amounts well below that limit can harm your health too.
It can irritate the eyes and cause respiratory problems (coughs, heavy breathing) or skin conditions. Above I cited nail polish as an example. Check out what you risk with a nail polish that contains formaldehyde:
Formaldehyde can cause headaches, muscle pain, chronic fatigue and dizziness. Its regular use can lead to depression and insomnia. In 2012, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) classified formaldehyde as a carcinogen. However, note the European classification: ‘carcinogenic effect partially proven.’
Besides nail polish, you may find it in the following products:
Look out for urea when you spot these aliases:
It’s best to throw away all cosmetics which contain synthetic colours, scents and other chemicals. Take control over your skin’s health now!

Have a wonderful an chemical-free day,
Andrea Varga-Darabos

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