5 myths about growing hair
5 myths about growing hair

5 myths about growing hair

Are you the type who can hardly wait for the first warm spring days to set in so you could run off to the hairdressers for a shorter summer trim only to start growing your hair again? Or would like truly long hair dangling down to the middle of your back, but you never seem to grow it that long because you don't think it's pretty, healthy or thick enough? Perhaps you're preparing for an occasion where it's important to have long hair, so you're now growing it?

Whichever claim is true for you, you've surely heard many hair growth tips before. Some of these are useless while others can even damage your hair.
In today's post, I collected the most common misconceptions related to hair growth.

  1. You should comb or brush your hair a hundred times a day
This definitely won't help you grow your hair longer, yet it's almost certain to damage your hair strands. Treat your wet hair with care after washing it, since the recently washed hair strands can be particularly vulnerable and can easily become frayed.

  1. Get your hair cut regularly
This is only partly true. Getting your hair cut regularly won't make your hair grow faster, yet it will surely look thicker and healthier if you get rid of frayed tips.

  1. If you pluck a grey hair, the surrounding hairs will turn grey as well
This isn't true, just like the myth that more grey hairs will grow to replace the one your removed. The greying of the hair is mainly determined by genetic factors and is influenced by lifestyle and environmental factors.

  1. Let your hair down when sleeping so it would grow faster
This isn't entirely true either, it's just that when tied up in a bun or a plait, your hair is more prone to damage, so if you want beautiful, long hair you should take this into consideration.

  1. You need special dietary supplements
If you enjoy a healthy and diverse diet, it won't truly effect the condition of your hair, therefore no capsule or powder can truly stimulate hair growth either. Make sure you get enough protein and salad greens rich in folic acid and nuts, which have a beneficial effect on your hair and skin alike.

I wrote about all the things you can do for beautiful and healthy locks here.

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