5 natural tips for coping with hair loss
5 natural tips for coping with hair loss

5 natural tips for coping with hair loss

Are you the type who can feel the changes of seasons in your bones? I am, and I've been consciously preparing for this unpleasantness for years. Early spring hair loss isn't rare at all and its most common reason is the temporary lack of vitamins after the long winter period.

Don't worry, a few easy tricks can help things get back to normal!

First of all, try paying more attention to what you're eating and try supplementing your diet with an occasion handful of walnuts or nuts, or try mixing some sesame and flax seeds in your cereal or salad and although it isn't the most likeable vegetable, a bit of fresh beetroot assists your metabolism, livens up your skin and even helps dealing with hair issues.

You can try using the following recipes and tips if you're an expectant mother and you're worried about the beauty of your hair during pregnancy or are trying to restore it to its former glory.

I recommend using the following herbs, oils and essential oils for washing your hair to deal with hair loss or livening up your scalp with a massage:

Nettle is one of my favourite medicinal herbs: dousing freshly picked leaves with some hot water or drinking tea made of its dried leaves is good for almost all conditions: it has a blood-cleansing, metabolism improving, anti-inflammatory and - due to its high iron content - an immune strengthening effect and can help mitigate allergic symptoms.

Common horsetail tea is also recommended for hair loss and you can use it to rinse or wash your hair. It's mainly known for its anti-haemorrhaging and diuretic effect, whilst its silicon, potassium and calcium content make it great for hair care.

You can even use the previous two teas for hair loss or its prevention by applying it externally: try using them to rinse your hair after a thorough wash combined with a head massage. Add 40 g of herbs to a jug of boiling water, possibly adding a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. You'll see how healthy and shiny your hair will be! Massaging your scalp can improve the micro-circulation of your skin as well as gently ridding you of died skin cells.

If your hair gets oily fast or perhaps your scalp is prone to dandruff, then try adding a few drops of Manna Rosemary essential oil to your nettle and common horsetail tea and massage it into your scalp and rinse your hair with it.

If your scalp is dry and your hair is prone to split ends, don't shy away from using oil-based hair packs: thoroughly massage some olive oil, Manna Coconut oil or one of our beauty oils into your scalp before wrapping a pleasantly warm towel around your hair for a good half an hour before washing your hair as normal.

I hope you already know that you can use our chemical and palm oil-free Mannas for washing your hair, but if not, you can read more about them here.

Enjoy enhancing your beauty without chemicals!

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