5+1 beauty tricks which can help you cope with your winter skin problems
5+1 beauty tricks which can help you cope with your winter skin problems

5+1 beauty tricks which can help you cope with your winter skin problems

You might think that the winter cold takes a toll on your facial skin and that's why your hair seems lustreless, but that isn't necessarily true: the dry, warm indoor air is far more harmful than the cold outside.

What can you do about it?
  • First of all, try increasing the moisture in your surroundings: keep more plants at home and - if possible - at your workplace as well. Use a vaporizer in your bedroom to make sure your skin wouldn't lose too much water at night. Don't dress too warmly and frequently air out the room to fill the heated spaces with moist air.

  • Get rid of your dead skin cells! It's important not to use scrubs too frequently: it's enough to use them once or twice at the most per week and make sure you don't scour the skin with rough surfaces, otherwise you risk damaging your skin. You can use a brush for this purpose or even one of the Manna scrubs, yet keep in mind that you should use an even gentler solution for your face, especially if you have dry, sensitive facial skin. I recommend the COCO&Salt soap for facial cleansing or massaging your facial skin with the Manna alginite beauty mask. If necessary, you can even add one or two drops of Manna beauty oil to the scrub for even more fabulous results. You can even regularly scrub your lips with an unused toothbrush or a sweet or savoury Manna scrub.

  • Replace your water-based creams and body lotions with richer, chemical-free oils, butters or whipped butters. The plant-based oils produced solely with pure, gently manufactured oils and natural active agents help care for your skin and it's a common misconception that your skin absorbs them too slowly. Use a small amount and apply them with wet hands or on wet skin and the results will speak for themselves.

  • In the winter period, you should keep a jar of lip balm and shea butter on you at all times so you could care for your lips and the sensitive skin on the back of your hands wherever you go.

  • Dry air is bad for your hair and constantly wearing a hat can easily result in frayed tips during the winter. To have well-groomed, healthy and shiny hair, prepare a pack at home with some olive oil or organic virgin coconut oil and then wash your hair as usual. If you want something truly special, you can fill a spray bottle with some argan or jojoba beauty oil, spray a bit on your palm and rub the oil on your dry locks of hair.

Important: if you feel wearing gloves was not enough while you went for a long walk or while coming home from work, never place your hands in hot water. Instead, start washing your hands in cold water and then gradually heat the warm to lukewarm - without damaging your skin. However, you can heat up the beauty oil used to care for your hands on a heater and the warm oily hand massage will surely feel wonderful.

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