Choose natural waters for a cooling sensation!
choose natural waters for a cooling sensation!

Choose natural waters for a cooling sensation!

How do you cool off in the summer heat? If you're uncertain about choosing between an indoor swimming pool, an open-air pool or the shores of some natural lake, river or sea, there are a few things you should know.

The water of well-maintained pools contains disinfectant, however, these have a number of harmful aspects: they can cause dry skin, red eyes and even breathing difficulties in those with sensitivities. The majority of issues aren't necessarily caused by the chemicals themselves, although the chloric air of poorly ventilated swimming pools is obviously bad for the health.

In many cases, the conditions causing the irritation of the skin, eyes and respiratory system are caused by the residue of toiletries, sunscreen and other cosmetics which are washed
 off the body or soaps and disinfectants which are combined with compounds from the body (…).

That's precisely why you should consider the following before going to the beach or a swimming pool:
  • make sure you always take a shower before getting into the pool and ask those with you to follow suit,
  • even if the water seems clean, yet there's a strong smell of chemicals when you arrive at the pool, it's a bad sign if you're sensitive to disinfectant chemicals,
  • protect your eyes with swimming goggles,
  • always take a shower with a strong jet of water after every pool use,
  • or choose natural waters, but even then make sure you avoid the blotches of sunscreen washed off the others,
  • and don't go into the water right after applying sunscreen on your skin
I hope it goes without saying that in order to protect the health and youthfulness of your skin, you should avoid sunbathing at midday and don't expose your skin directly to harmful sunrays, not even when using sunscreen.

Thoroughly wash yourself after swimming or showering, yet if you're skin is even slightly irritated by chemicals or a slight sunburn, I recommend you use plain Manna soaps containing no fragrances or essential oils for your toiletry and facial wash needs. Once you carefully sponge up most of the water from your skin, carefully apply one of your favourite Manna skincare products. I particularly recommend our plain butters and beauty oils, especially our almost entirely scentless shea and divine chocolate-smelling cocoa butter, as well as our top quality, exquisitely fragrant Organic virgin coconut oil.

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