If a kiss is not enough

If a kiss is not enough
Bruises, cuts and other injuries? The life of toddlers and small kids is full of adventure, excitement, joy and minor accidents.
Falling, banging themselves against something, knocking stuff over, dropping it, spilling it... one little accident follows the other, with huge teardrops rolling on the
cheeks – then a minute later, off the kids go again, running and bursting with energy as if nothing had happened.
When my children were that age an idea started to form in my mind, i.e. that we need entirely natural skin care products for toddlers and small children. Those products should be:
- Entirely free of chemicals
- So pure that they could be used even on children with highly sensitive skin
- So natural that I don’t need to worry even if they get into the mouth of the little ones.
- Nice to look at and attractive to children.
- Chocolate Magic, Fairy Flower , Fairy Berry Soap and Candy Bite Bath Bomb to keep those tiny, smudgy, sticky, paint-stained hands clean and to add more fun to the evening splash,
- Fairy Paste for minor injuries, for flushed, bruised or dry skin and eczema. The small tube fits even the smallest pocket and can be taken anywhere, everywhere.
- Elf’s Dream Forehead Balm was created to bring on those deep, fairy dreams and help a relaxing sleep.
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