Lavender as a dish?
lavender as a dish?

Lavender as a dish?

Well, it might come as a surprise, but this unique treasure is not only the queen of the bathroom and natural recovery, but can also be a superstar of the kitchen.

If you think of it, it doesn't sound that surprising, since not only does it provide a unique supplementary taste, but also extra texture and a unique colour and essence to dishes and drinks alike.

When mixed in dishes, it lends a discreet, elegant extra edge to the base flavour. Try it yourself!

If you like the sound of this idea, make sure you use entirely clean flowers. This is highly important. If you buy dry flowers at an herb shop, they will most likely be fine, but it never hurts to proceed with caution: choose a reliable manufacturer and make sure the flowers aren't mouldy.

The colour of dry flowers isn't so intensive, therefore it's better to use fresh flowers for decoration purposes. If you pick the flowers and dry them yourself, douse them with hot water twice before using them for dining purposes.

Would you like to know all the ways you can use it?

Well, oddly enough, not just for dessert. Lavender suits white poultry meat perfectly. How about some fried chicken with some apricot sauce featuring a hint of lavender?

A few other incredibly simple tips:
  • When baking muffins or brownies, add a half tablespoon of flowers for a slight, indescribable flavour
  • It's also a great choice for strawberry or apricot jam: use 1 teaspoon of flowers for one kilogram of fruit
  • You can also use it to decorate cakes, just sprinkle the top of the cake with the tiny purple flowers and you're sure to please!

Finally, here's a free lavender lemonade recipe:
First make some lavender syrup with the following steps: heat a cup of water, 3 tablespoons of stevia and a cup of fresh (or dried) lavender, frequently stir the mixture and bring it to a boil. Cool the syrup, put it the fridge and use it to make lemonade. Simply add slices of lemons to cold water with a healthy dose of ice and the prepared syrup. Sounds special, doesn't it?

Which one would you like to try first?

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