Welcome back home – Post-holiday skin care tips
welcome back home – post-holiday skin care tips

Welcome back home – Post-holiday skin care tips

Sea water, parties, outdoor activities might have taken a toll on the health of your skin and hair – but don’t worry, you can correct all that in just a few days once you have returned from your holiday.

You already know what to do before you’re off to holiday as well how your trip can work for your beauty. Now, I’m going to tell you what to do if you feel that sun, wind and seawater have done no favours to your skin.

Here are my top 5 tips:

1. Whatever your skin type, you can’t go wrong with a honey yoghurt mask – it will hydrate your skin, give it vital vitamins and promote the healing of minor injuries. Apply it to your face, neck and décolleté. If you feel that your skin is lacking nutrients I recommend regenerating it with a face mask that matches your skin type.

2. Make a hair mask with coconut oil. After hair wash, massage Organic Virgin Coconut Butter into you wet hair and wrap your head into a towel to avoid leaving oily stains on your sofa, clothes or pillow. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. For extra dry hair ends you may want to use Argan oil or Sweet Almond Beauty Oil.

3. Make your skin radiant again with a body scrub (made of beauty oil and salt/sugar) or a scrubbing glove. Do this on your limbs only and do it gently to avoid injury. Follow up with shea butter to reduce redness and soothe your skin.

4. Massage some beauty oil into your facial skin (choose one that matches your skin type). If you have dry skin you don’t even have to wipe off the oil – leave it on as a night mask. Important: make sure you all but touch the skin around your eyes. Use your fingertips to spread the oil with careful, tapping movements in those areas.

5. If you have overdosed on sweets and sugar, boost your metabolism by drinking a mix of water and some lemon juice for a few days. It helps to restore healthy gut flora and reduces appetite.

If your holiday has left you with new, healthy habits (e.g. evening walks, more exercise or a healthier-than-usual diet) try to stick to them – at least until the end of summer.

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