You asked: How long do I need to wait to see the effects?

You asked: How long do I need to wait to see the effects?
How long do you need to wait before you can tell whether a skin care product has been effective and whether it fits your skin or not?
I also tend to ask this question every time I buy a new cosmetic product. The more severe the skin problem you are trying to cure and the more chemicals you have been using so far (to sort out, or at least to cover up that skin problem) the more time your skin will need to regain its normal, balanced functions after all those years of chemical-laden care.You can speed up the process if you choose a Manna Solution Bundle instead of replacing just one or two of the usual cosmetics. Using the bundle you may see the difference after 2-3 weeks (rather than the usual 6-12 weeks). That’s the minimum time you’ll have to wait for positive change.
There will be some Manna products which you’ll fall in love with on Day One – if you have chosen the one that fits both the state and the type of your skin these products will make a difference right after the first time.
- It’s easy to fall for beauty oils, and lip- and forehead balms – because the very first treatment will visibly refresh and relieve your skin. Yet it may take your skin a couple of weeks to get used to the fact that it no longer needs to boost sebum production to make up for moisture loss – if your skin is prone to oiliness, spots and acne, one week is the minimum you will need. The same goes for sensitive and eczema-affected skin: allow enough time for your skin to get used to this new, gentle care.
- To make all that happen, chemical-free hygiene is a must too: you may not immediately feel the beneficial effects of facial cleansing soaps – but rest assured it’s only a matter of days and you will spot the difference. After a few days, most customers say that their dry skin no longer feels stretchy after face wash, while those with oily skin say their face tends to shine much less by the end of the day.
- In some rare cases, the use of chemical-free cream deodorants brings about some unpleasant symptoms at the very beginning, i.e. during the detoxification phase. Don’t get disheartened by the heavy transpiration that may occur in the first few days. No need to worry, that problem will quickly pass. Once your pores have become clean the chemical-free cream deodorant will be absolutely enough to keep you fresh all day.
- Another thing that might be a bit unusual: natural butters may take a bit more patience than those water-based creams and body lotions you used to buy in the shop. But we have no doubt that it’s worth giving yourself those extra moments while waiting for those pure, rich and natural ingredients to melt in your hand.
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