Protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun and your skin will be grateful!
protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun and your skin will be grateful!

Protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun and your skin will be grateful!

The importance of using sunscreen cannot be overestimated. The UV-rays reaching your unprotected skin are harmful even if you can't sense their impact. The sun can cause ageing of the skin and pigment spots to appear, sagging or even malicious alterations even if you hardly ever get sunburn or lie on the beach all day long.

Many people only start realising years later, in their late 30s, that they should have taken people's advice about hats and sunscreen. Your face, neck and the back of your hands are especially exposed to UV radiation and these are the areas where premature ageing can be the most noticeable.

However, I have some good news

It recently transpired that our skin is a more wonderful organ than we imagined it to be: not only can skin damage caused by ultraviolet radiation be reduced or prevented with the everyday use of sunscreen, but it can even be reversed.

For a long time, dermatologists said that the damage to DNA caused by sun rays would leave a permanent mark on skin and that youthful ignorance would become visible years later when only highly expensive procedures could improve the condition of the skin. Now, however, it has transpired that skin is capable of renewal and if you take good care of it, it will preserve its healthy and youthful look for a long time to come.

Half of the participants of the research used an SPF 30 sunscreen facial cream every day for a year, while the other half used a cream without sunscreen ingredients. A year later, not only did approximately half of those using sunscreen have no new damage to their skin, many of them experienced improved conditions during the period in question, with more hydrated and compact facial skin with a unified tone than a year before.


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