This is why you should choose natural refreshments
this is why you should choose natural refreshments

This is why you should choose natural refreshments

We all know by heart that sugary, carbonated beverages and store-bought fruit juice made from syrup aren't healthy at all, not even if they're made without any artificial ingredients.

The same is true for beverages advertised as having zero calorie content. It recently transpired concerning their effects on health that there isn't much difference between the sugary and "sugar-free" beverages. According to the research published last fall, although many consciously choose them to preserve their health or slim shape, the consequences of consuming so-called dietary beverages closely resemble those of traditional products made with sugar or some kind of syrup.

Sugar-free foodstuffs claim to sate your appetite and sugar cravings and the calorie-free sweet taste will take care of this problem. However, research shows that calorie-free sweets confuse the natural mechanisms of your body and when you consume real sugars, for example in the form of fruits, your body is unaccustomed to sweeteners and doesn't really know how to respond. This has an impact on your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

What are the risks of sweeteners?

The participants of the exercise who regularly consume beverages with sweeteners gained more weight in the examined period. Scientists came to the conclusion that insulin production, which is responsible for breaking down sugars, can be influenced to a certain degree by sweet, low-calorie beverages and the sudden drop in blood sugar levels can increase your hunger and cravings for high calorie food. All of this heightened the risk of developing various heart and circulatory diseases even in the case of those who aren't overweight, regardless of whether or not they consumed artificial or natural sweeteners (for example, stevia).

What can you do about it?

Don't choose foods or drinks with sweeteners on a daily basis and instead choose moderately sweet, yet fresh fruits, locally produced fruit juices or lemonade made with little sugar. You can find out more about ideas for the latter in my previous blog post.


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